
Tell us what we can do for you! We have a flexible and motivated workforce that can adapt to many different Job requirements.

Callaway County Extended Employment Logo

What can we do for you?


We have several zero turn radius mowers and a crew trained to use them in a professional manner.


We have extensive experience packaging raw product with customer labels for retail sales.

Quality Control

Getting product from overseas but need it quality checked before you put your name on it? We have you covered.


Got some plants that need the mulch bed attended to? Need a lot cleaned up? ​Need to have an area cleaned up before or after an event? Give us a call!


Do you have a pile of parts that are “some assembly required” before you can sell them to the cutomer? We can make that a reality.

Commercial Laundry

Have you got a business where the laundry is never ending and you need a break? We can help with that. Contact us and we can discuss which services best suit your needs.

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