Manager: Marla Mason

Born in St Louis MO. Raised in Montgomery County. Lived in Callaway County all of my adult life. I earned my Bachelor of Science in Education degree from Missouri State University in 1995….when it was still Southwest Missouri State University. I came to this position at CCEE from an insurance office where I earned my licenses in Auto, Home, Health and Life sales and service. I was a homeschooling mom for 18+ years. I use many skills learned over the years in my current position as General Manager. I love what we do here to better the lives of those we serve. It is my honor to lead this team.
Production Manager: Katie Sheerin

placeholder for Katie’s bio.
Office/Administrative Assistant: Brenda Hendrickson

Placeholder for Brenda’s bio.
Floor Supervisor: Chris Shepherd

Born in Columbia, Mo. Lived all over the western and central part of the U.S. inclding Texas, California, Washington State, Oklahoma, Arizona, Missouri, Kentucky, North Carolina and Nebraska. Living in all these different places has given me a unique perspective in seeing many different people and cultures and how to interact and communcate with them. Before coming to CCEE I worked 15 years at Walmart, 14 in Mexico, Mo and 1 in Fulton.
Safety Coordinator/Laundry Supervisor: Brian Jones

Born and raised in Mexico, MO. My background includes being a US Navy veteran (Machinist Mate), former firefighter/EMT, machinist, electrician, HVAC tech, plumber, field service technician, and mechanical engineer. I use skills from every one of those avocations on at least a monthly basis on this job.